WPS News

News about automation solutions for pot plant growers and research companies. With innovations and proven solutions.

Robur robot rides over WPS SmartFlo Tracks

Robur robot rides over WPS SmartFlo Tracks

Going forward crop protection has become a whole lot easier for The Mastergrowers in De Lier. The crop protection spay robot from Robur Holland drives over the WPS SmartFlo tracks spays the hydrangeas more evenly then before. Besides this the work became easier and faster. This is a prime example for WPS and Robur to combine forces and come to a good handsfree solution for growers.

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Marino, C&M Kester

Are ergonomics as important as efficiency?

Ergonomic work processes are becoming more important, also in horticulture. 13 years ago Marino and Cornee Kester from C&M Kester took on the challenge to automate their greenhouses. Talking to other growers they found out how automation could help them in their processes.


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Saving 5% on labor every year. This is how we do it!

For most plant growers labor is a big challenge. Luckily we see a lot of innovations in our industry. We are talking to Jelle Strijbis, president of SV.CO, about what his challenges are with automation. SV.CO has 3 facilities with a WPS systems. Ranging from vision sorting to SmartFlo, the WPS conveyor belt system. The systems help SV.CO optimize their work flow and herewith increasing their output numbers without the need for overtime.

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