WPS News

News about automation solutions for pot plant growers and research companies. With innovations and proven solutions.

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Stan van der Waal, Rainbow Greenhouses: “The system has worked absolutely perfect from day one, impressive!”

Rainbow Greenhouses, a wholesale grower and distributer of potted plants, recently invested in a SmartFlo system for transporting trays. Crops may need to be moved as often as every two weeks to provide the best growing environment. With WPS they created an effective system with the aim of reducing labour and increasing space utilization and working speed in the nursery.

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"Walking Plant System is best in class for Karma Plants"

A 10,000 m2 expansion of the Walking Plant System has enabled Karma Plants to increase its production. To get the most out of this expansion, the nursery has decided to extend its current WPS system as it has already led to a remarkable improvement in quality and higher yields per square metre.

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360 Virtual Reality Video: Look through the eyes of a plant

At the end of the production process in a greenhouse, plants are packed and transported to the customers. Before that moment, plants bridge a considerable distance in an internal logistics system. Every grower of course knows which route his plants take in his system, but what no one knows is exactly how beautiful the view of a plant is during the transportation process.

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