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KP Holland ready for the future with unique packing robot

SmartStaff WPS - KP Holland

SmartStaff WPS - KP Holland

KP Holland has implemented an innovative robotic arm for placing its Kalanchoe 7 cm in trays. This robotic arm has uniquely developed "brushes" that ensure that all plants are placed undamaged in trays. With this new implementation KP Holland can guaranty its top quality plants.

Development process

KP Holland has a modern greenhouse with a high level of automation. In the delivery phase, however, it required still many labor-intensive handlings to place the plants in trays. In order to find a solution for this, KP Holland has entered into a partnership with WPS. The challenge was not only to achieve the desired capacity, but also to ensure that the leaves remained undamaged during the process.

Extensive testing

Both parties first agreed on a proof of concept. WPS made a simulation of the situation and tested whether the solution was feasible. Furthermore, WPS conducted extensive tests with various grippers and artificial hands to ensure the leaves were cleared when placing the plants in the tray. The proof of concept was successful and resulted in KP Holland giving the order to WPS to implement the robotic packaging arm..

On the photo: Roy van der Knaap, Manager Technique KP Holland (r), Jan Moekestorm, Project Leader WPS (l).


More information about KP Holland


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