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WPS sells 50th SmartFlo Extension within a year

De SmartFlo Extension

Three years ago, WPS started the development of the SmartFlo Extension, an addition to the SmartFlo Conveyor System. The SmartFlo Extension is a very useful innovation, which is proving its worth, given the 50 units sold this year.

Crossing without worries

With the SmartFlo Extension you can extend the SmartFlo conveyor belts in no time to cross the path in your nursery, for example. No more hassle with loose pieces of conveyor belt that you have to connect and then stored somewhere. Grab the handle, pull it out, secure it on the conveyor belt on the other side and you're done!
It doesn't matter how far the SmartFlo extension is pulled out; it works in all circumstances.
The SmartFlo Extension is ergonomically easy to operate by one person.

Watch this video to see how it works:

From graduation project to full product

Digna van Zanten, managing director at WPS: "The SmartFlo Extension was designed and developed by WPS. Based on a graduation project, the extension has become a fully integrated product within our SmartFlo line. This graduate is now part of the WPS team and it is of course very nice to see that his graduation project is such a success!"


“The smartflo conveyors cut our truck loading time by 50%”

“Using SmartFlo conveyors reduced our order picking time by 50%.”

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