For most plant growers labor is a big challenge. Luckily we see a lot of innovations in our industry. We are talking to Jelle Strijbis, president of SV.CO, about what his challenges are with automation. SV.CO has 3 facilities with a WPS systems. Ranging from vision sorting to SmartFlo, the WPS conveyor belt system. The systems help SV.CO optimize their work flow and herewith increasing their output numbers without the need for overtime.
“When we started at this Kreekrug location 8 years ago, we were looking hard at how we could organize this nursery. Taking into account our soft underground, our options were limited. Besides that, the economic situation at that time limited our CAPEX financing. Therefor we wanted to start on a smaller scale. We choose for WPS because the SmartFlo system combined with an ErfGoed floor offers a lot of flexibility. For years the nursery has been filled to an optimum with 23cm pots and the SmartFlo system in combination with a Degramec pot placing machine are making it so that we utilize all available space with the least amount of hand touches”
Jelle agrees with handsfree growing: ” We always are looking at automation and we continue to make investments, which we justify with a good ROI. We want to continue to save 5% on our annual labor, this is necessary to meet our expansion goals. With the timesaving we achieve for ourselves we are investing this in looking towards the next automation project. The future never stops, especially with the 35 million plants we grow on an annual basis.”
More efficient plant processing at work stations
“This summer WPS is going to expand the shipping buffer, including an extra sorting camera system as well as order processing software at our Burgerdijkseweg location. Our manual orders will be send by the ordering software of sorting system via the buffer towards the new workstations. Because of this, orders can be process easier and more efficient. We will be able to process orders timely even in our peak seasons.
Time for other things
“What I do in my spare time? With my family I like to do daytrips. Going to the movies or exploring somewhere. I also sport and like to watch soccer. Besides this I make time available to get inspired while visiting other greenhouses. Even if they grow other products, have pot sizes or have other processes, I find it cool to see how automation is applied in different circumstances. This way I get ideas on how automation can be applied in our nurseries.. My tip for my colleague growers and greenhouse owners is to look at each other and share your knowledge and expertise, let yourself be inspired this way.
Also want to save 5% on labor every year. Please contact Pieter or Willem Jan for handsfree solutions